Saturday, February 4, 2012

Assalamualaikumm , Hey stalkers , bloggers , haters and whateverss ~ HAHA

:: My personal details ::

Nurul Iffah Nadia Abd Jalil
Leo , Fai , Nad , Adek , Eyfa
Sweet 16 :)
Currently in a relationship 
Pretty clumsy and sometimes crazy
Like to talk , talk and talk !
Do follow me or I will kill you . bhahaha >.<
#joke sayang :)

I'm not pretty , not famous , not perfect ~ I'm just like a normal person . Sometimes , I'm easily get hurt if someone break my heart . I'm easily cry , get angry , cool and sulking . 
Don't ever judge me based on my appearance . Read my full story and then u will know myself 100 % . Teheee ~

Kalau dah follow , cakap tau . Nanti gua follow lu balik :D